Leveraging Grants to Serve Your Church

Thursday, May 30th 2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
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Spring 2023 Cover
Leveraging Grants to Serve Your Church

Equip your church leaders with the groundwork and knowledge to secure grant funding from our experts in the field. Learn how to navigate the grant applicationwith confidence, identify funding opportunities based on your church’s needs, and understand the importance of developing a compelling proposal.

Join us on May 30th at 2:00 p.m. EST.


Michelle Carver
Michelle Carver
Founder and president of Filantropia LLC, a philanthropic and strategy engagement company, established with the express purpose of growing and augmenting philanthropy and funding to nonprofits and municipalities.
Shelley Spillman
Shelley Spillman
Office manager for Middletown Christian Church serving as a support administrator and grant writer for her congregation.
Elizabeth Vance
Elizabeth Vance

Senior Loss Control Representative

Insurance Board